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Tempest and the Bible

In the tempest the character Prospero reminds me a lot of Jesus, or the son of God in the Christian religion. In various texts and discussions I have heard of the tempest as "prospero's story" like the Bible is "God's story". There are many references in the tempest that remind me of stories in the bible.
Such examples are:
Antonio refusing to see the error of his ways - Peter denying that he would refuse Jesus.
Alonso,Antonio, and Sebastian were brought to the island in order to repent to Ariel - Shadrak, Mishak and Abednego being thrown in the furnace for refused to worship the King of Babylon.
As Prospero's Brother Alonso takes away his dukedum it seems that he takes all of his power and being, I tend to disagree. I think this makes him stronger. After this time Prospero spends much time studying and his powers over the island become stronge...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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