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Teen Pregnancy

Romeo Hernandez
Professor Sinay
English 101 Tue. 6-10:05 pm
12 March 2002
Essay # 2
Teen pregnancy remains a significant problem and American society but there are steps that can help teens take responsibility for their sexual activity and avoid unintended pregnancy. According to Planned Parenthood, 80% of all Americans have sexual intercourse before the age of 20. 1 out of 20 females between the ages of 16 and 20 ends up carrying an unintended pregnancy. Unintended pregnancies fuel an abortion rate that some argue is murder and all agree emotionally traumatizes all of the parties involved.
Society benefits from educated and economically productive teens. Teens struggling to handle an unintended pregnancy are less economically productive, their education suffers and their potential is inhibited. The parents of unintended pregnancies often end up on welfare. Society pays costs of welfare and healthcare for parents and children involved with unintended pregnancies. Pare...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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