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teen driving

Informative Speech

According to a DMV crash report in year 2000, automobile crashes are the number one killer of Americans from age 15 to 20 years old. On an average, approximately 123 people will die today in the United States. Every twelve months, 48,000 people will die. All of those people will lose their lives because of automobile crashes. Great responsibility comes along with a license. Anyone in this room that is a teenage driver is a statistic. Sixteen to twenty year olds have the highest crash rate of any other age group. About 1,900 children die each year in car accidents. More than 70% of sixteen year olds that are killed in car accidents each year, are in a vehicle driven by someone younger than the age of twenty-one. Sixteen year olds have a crash rate 3 times as high as seventeen year olds, and 5 times as high as eighteen year olds. The one age and gender group that will most likely be involved in automobile crashes more than anyone else is young males. ...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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