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teaching student metaphor

Baking bread can be a very involved and complex procedure. Not only does a baker need to be precise in measuring and mixing ingredients, but allowing the bread to rise takes a lot of time and patience. Much like baking, teaching needs to be fulfilled by a dedicated person. This person needs to care very much for the line of work that they are involved in and the people that they affect. I think of a teacher as a baker and a student as bread, a result of a dedicated process of mixing and kneading, letting the bread rise on its own, and baking to perfection. Similar to the profession of teaching, baking carries many responsibilities. Although teaching students is far more consequential than baking bread, bakers are pressured with large orders and time limits, and they need to be accountable for their products. The ingredients of the bread can be said to resemble a student's background. Every student has a unique family setup, a different set of beliefs, and an individual way of lea...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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