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System Development Lifecycle Methodology

Phase I. Acquisition I
In this phase we were asked to first develop and weight a set of criteria including; performance, cost, compatibility, scalability, modularity, support, IPR and security. The next step of this phase was to determine whether to buy or build the DSS, given RM, stockholder and vendor information. I chose to buy from BASS versus Fischer or building in-house because of various factors, one being that it had the lowest cost, $680,000 versus $1,000,000 for Fischer and $1,360,000 for in-house. It also had the greatest 3 year ROI and IRR of the three choices.
Acquisition II
This phase is necessary because a low security rating of the BASS system that was not taken into account allowed a computer virus to infiltrate the system. The two choices were to upgrade to the latest anti-virus software, or by the DSS from Fischer. I chose to go with buying the latest anti-viru...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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