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symbolism in Heart of Darkness

Symbolism in Heart of Darkness

When Conrad writes Heart of Darkness, the British colonial empire is at its height. Britain is the preeminent world power during the second half of the nineteenth century. She has colonies around the world including Africa. The Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow, a sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, reputed to be an idealistic man of great abilities. Marlow takes a job as a riverboat captain with the company- a large ivory trading firm working out of the Congo. As he travels to Africa and then up the Congo, Marlow encounters widespread inefficiency and brutality in the Company’s station.
In Heart of Darkness, Conrad packs this story with symbolism. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Its plot is simple enough on the surface but beneath the surface, lays the book’s complicated themes and most importantly, symbols. Conrad gives much food for thought about the n...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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