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SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis?
This needless to say means an analysis of the:
Strengths - which areas a business excells compared to it's competitors
Weaknesses - which areas other businesses has to improve on
in relation to it's competitors
Opportunities - All things which benefit the business
Threats - All things which can threaten a businesses
survival, or a product's survival

Aspects which influence a SWOT analysis are:
- Market share - Sales - Profits
- Competition - Advertising - Size of customer base
- Pricing - Innovative potential.
- Product characteristics (company reputation, price, design,
colour uniqueness, quality, warranty, packaging, sales
support, and positioning in

SWOT Analysis.
To conduct a SWOT analysis write down answers, as an individual or in a group, to the following questions:
- List your Strengths:
What are your advantages in attracting quality employees. In performing the service you provide. In making whatever you make?
What do...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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