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Suicide is Selfish

When thinking about suicide I begin to think of depressed individuals who start to feel sorry for themselves when they get sad. People generally want to know why and how the act was done. What made that person so sad is what everyone asks, or worse who made that person so sad? Who's fault is it? The last thing that people consider is the people left behind. Not only is committing suicide and act of deep felt selfishness but it causes the people affected by this tragic event to also become selfish. They begin to blame others or themselves for the death of a loved one and then themselves become suicidal and think of suicide as a way to get the blame off of them, to make that hurt go away for good. The people who are left and don't feel blamed begin to act out and want the attention also, many turn to drastic things that may get themselves killed but they themselves are too selfish to take their own life. Reasons that people kill themselves are often found to...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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