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Sucide Bombers

Suicide Bombers are known as Martyrs. They are all over the world and they all have their similarities and differences. In the New York Times article, “All Suicide Bombers Are Not Alike” by Joseph Lelyveld has a lot of similarities and several differences with the main character Malli the suicide bomber in the movie “The Terrorist”. The NY Times article was written from place in Gaza, and Cairo. The movie was taken place in Sri Lanka.
There are many similarities between Malli and the article. Being a Martyr is a pride to their country and to their family as the article said, “He is about to perform a great deed for his family, his people, and his faith…” Martyr does their suicide bombing not because they have psychological problems. They were not desperate people. Going all the way, they prove themselves to be selfless and brave. Malli wanted to be a Martyr because she wants to free her people and her country. Malli also looked up to her ...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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