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Stem Cell Research and its effects

In 1998, the world was privy to a scientific discovery that could prove to change the way that medicine attacks different diseases and medical problems. That year at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dr James A. Thomson discovered a new use for something that was commonly not thought of before. He was the first to isolate the human embryonic stem cells that are derived from the blood of a several day old fetus. # The embryonic cells are also called pluripotent because they can give rise to many different cells and not just those that have one unique purpose.# This in itself was a tremendous discovery for the very fact that the so called stem cell is so versatile in its application to the human body. For example, the stem cell can be used for tissue regenerations, angiogenesis, and heart repair. Yet, the most important function of the cells are its ability for the cells to mimic or reproduce the other types of cells. The stem cells can become bone, nerve, and heart cells that...

Posted by: John Mayes

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