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spanish g uns

The Role of Drugs in the Destruction of Colombia

As we have entered the 21st century, our society has seen an increased rise in the decadence of our culture. One of our main vices is our tendency towards glorifying drug use amongst the youth of our nation through various medias, from movies about the casual or recreational marijuana use, like Friday, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked, or the ever classic Cheech and Chong movies. There are lots of songs, mostly from the gangster rap genre that glorify and encourage the sale of of hard drugs, such as cocaine and crack. Marilyn Manson, and Trent Reznor make references to heroin use in their songs. People tend to argue weakly in an attempt to justify their position on drug making the statements “its my body, I will do whatever I want to it” or “ It’s a victimless crime, I am only hurting myself”. But we must ask ourselves if that is entirely true or not. The commercials put out by the goverment after Septembe...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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