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Snowboarding, possibly the most dangerous, most frustrating winter sport. If you want to be a snowboarder, you have to be tough. Tough enough to take the falls because sometimes you could crash so bad that you could die or have serious injury. If you didn't already know, Snowboarding is a winter sport in which the rider is strapped to a snowboard using a binding to hold yourself on. When first starting out with Snowboarding, you first need the equipment.
First of all you need a snowboard. Most freestyle snowboards run anywhere from 120 cm.-180cm. When you are Snowboarding you need a board that is anywhere from your chin to your nose. When first starting out with Snowboarding you probably want a board that is a little bit shorter because shorter boards are easier to control and to do tricks with.
The next thing you need are boots. There are basically two different kinds of snowboard boots. Regular and step-in. Step-in boots are supposed to be easier to take on and off the b...

Posted by: Jennifer Valles

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