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sleep apnea

Title: Snoring is No Laughing Matter
Topic: Sleep Apnea Disorder
Purpose: To inform my audience about the seriousness of sleep apnea and how you can
recognize it as well as treat it.
Thesis Statement: Sleep Apnea, of all sleeping disorders, is the most likely to cause death, but it
can be treated if the symptoms are recognized.
Attention material: (With snoring sounds in background) Does this sound familiar? Do these sounds keep you up all night? Are you a snorer? If so, you are not alone. A National Family Opinion Poll revealed that 90 million people snore - 37 million on a regular basis (CNS). Yes, it can create quite a nuisance, but it can also be the result of a very serious condition.
Credibility material: My uncle used to wake his family up and keep them up all night with his snoring. It just seemed to get louder and louder. Very annoying, because everyone needs sleep! The gasps for air between what sounded like growls from a grisly began to worry m...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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