Back to category: Politics Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Sexual Abuse Among The Eldery In Our Society There is a serious problem in America today and know one seems to be listening. Although other forms of violence within the family have received increasing attention from professional and the media over recent years, including the physical abuse and neglect of children, child sexual abuse and domestic violence.There is still a serious problem in America among our elderly. The problem of elderly abuse within the family and the nursing homes is rarely addressed in our society. The reason I feel that it is rarely addressed is because many may think that it can only happen to younger people. They are wrong it can happen to younger people as well as elderly people. Sexual abuse is a function of power and control. An elderly person who often have little power and may be dependent on other for care, can be victim of sexual abuse. Many may defined elderly sexual abuse as coercing an older person, through force,and other means into sexual contact aganist her or his will.I... Posted by: Gina Allred Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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