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self analysis

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/' PSYC 2301 ( Self-Analysis f";~L~~ M. L. Doss - Page 3 ~ "~
II. Social Background
There are three in my family: my father, mother and me. My father, ,
was born on August 20, 1946, in New Braunfels, Texas. He comes from a family with eleven
other siblings. My mother, , was born on March 23, 1949, in Biloxi,
Mississippi. She comes from a family with three other siblings.
My father graduated from Seguin High School in Seguin, Texas, and made his career in the
oil industry as a Tool Pusher on drilling rigs. He was injured August 1, 1984, while working in
Louisiana, when a fire broke out on the motor floor of the drilling rig. He was flown to Method...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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