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School Prayer

Must They Pray at School?
Sheena Turner
November 30, 2001
Basic Writing 9:00 am
Professor Hinkle

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” With these words the framers of the constitution established one of the central principles of American government, which religious liberty can flourish only when the state leaves religion alone. We live in a nation that says personal freedom is the fundamental and supreme value. There is no room for state-mandated prayer in a nation of citizens that greatly value their individuality. The nation we live in has no governmentally adopted religion or particular religious faith, this is because of the constitutional principle that the Supreme Court has maintained for many years, this “wall of separation between Church and State” that makes America a model of religious freedom. Religion matters tremendously in the United States, a...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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