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round robin simulator

Analysing Round Robin Scheduling

Computing 125 assignment 3 we will study the effect of several parameters used with Round Robin scheduling. We need to write a discrete simulation to study the performance of this strategy under different time slice lengths and different context switching times. We did this by writing a simulation program to imitate the behaviour of a single-CPU system that has a pre-emptive RR scheduler. We used certain variables to represent process arrival and service times, where each line represents a process arriving into the simulated system. The first number is the arrival time (in integer seconds), and the second number is the amount of time the process is required to complete (in floating-point seconds).

The Round Robin schedule program is shown in pictorial form …

This program simulates Round Robin scheduling with some simulated test data and then performs some calculations to extract certain statistics about how various combin...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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