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Romania in the year 2010


Honest to God, in the year 2010 I would like to be sending you my sincere regards from the United States of America where I hope to become a renowned forensic psychologist! Consequently I call on your sincerity: how many of us are not dreaming to catch the next decade in some other country? I wonder on what grounds such thoughts came into our minds… Have we such a somber perspective on Romania that we cannot project a sunny future in our mother country? Is this just the result of tens of years during which our constant disappointment led to us being deprived of our illusions that we so much fancied as dreams? It is obvious that many Romanians are discouraged by this country’s insufficient progress, and within this behavior defined by lack of self-worth must we also be taught to alienate from each other and to live passively? With all these questions rising, being realistic in ‘predicting the future in Romania” would mean compromising my faith...

Posted by: Quentina Green

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