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Roman Fever

Name: Than Ngoc Quang Huy
Class: 01C USSH Vietnam

Question: How does Edith Wharton use foreshawdowing to lend weight to the end of the story ? Describe couples of examples from "Roman Fever" in which the author foreshadows denouement ?

The climax in " Roman Fever " by Edith Wharton appears at the very end of the story ,however the author , she has prepaired subtly for this shocking ending by using a series of foreshadowdings and hints before reaching the climax.
At the first part of the story ,the foreshadowings mostly concentrates on Mrs.Ansley. When Mrs.Slade praised the Palatine for its beauty Mrs.Ansley assented " with so slight a stress on the 'me' " and a small break in the middle of the sentence : " It always will be , to me " . And then the next "undefinable stress" on "remember" : "Oh , yes , I remember" . It's rather easy to notice , the author has hinted the readers that Mrs. Ansley must have had an important and forgetable event in ...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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