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Psychology as defined in Segal and Kegan’s book on psychology is the “systematic study of behavior and mental process - including thought and emotion – and the factors that influence them”. The behavior aspect of the definition deals with the physical actions that us humans undergo, commencing from the second we wake up from sleep every morning. On the other hand, the mental and emotional processes deal with our thoughts and feelings; the way we feel, think of ideas, and interpret them. Also including emotions that we venture through- ranging from anger, happiness, hatred, sadness etc. Psychology is a systematic study because the theories that are reached are not based on myths and cultural beliefs; but based on substantial methods of experimentation; that is scientific proof (Segal and Kagan 4). Within the realm of psychology there are complex issues that are heavily debated by all branches of psychology– the Behaviorists, Gestalt Psychologists, Cognit...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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