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Prodigal Son

Sylvana Chantre
Religion 121
Professor Hock
TA: Jean Paul 8am

The Prodigal Sun Essay

When reading the New Testament there are many parables that God recites one being the “Prodigal Son”. The Prodigal Son is a story of a son who asks his father to be given his inheritance. The father splits all of his belongings and within a short period of time the son departs to live a life of his own. Soon after, all of his inheritance is spent and he begins working as a tenant peasant for an aristocratic family. In the midst of the son’s frustration and hardship he decides to return to his father’s home and plead for forgiveness and ask his father not to accept him back into the house as a son, but as a worker who will earn his living. As he approaches the home, the father in such happiness of seeing his son orders the finest robe and slippers to be brought out. With no resentment of his son leaving, but rather a joy of him returning to what has always been ...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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