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proccess essay

Applying for a Job at a Restaurant
Rarely is anyone excited about applying for a job. It means taking on a whole new responsibility that may not quite fit a person’s schedule. Eventually, all people must apply for their very first job. Applying for a job is probably the hardest part of the whole process. Getting the application, going back for interviews, and on some occasions getting the food handlers permit, are just a few steps to getting a job at a restaurant.
Walking into a restaurant to get an application is probably the scariest thing a person will ever do. The workers see a car pull into a parking lot and immediately, a hate bond is formed. Then when an application is asked for all employees smile, wave, and act like a long lost friend. After all of the weird first time jitters are gone, the job application process becomes much easier. Now take the applicati...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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