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Primate Observations

Primate Report
For my primate report, I have chosen the following primates for observation: Cotton top tamarin, Debrazza’s Monkeys, Black and White Ruffed Lemurs, and White Cheek Gibbons. Through this assignment I have acquired much knowledge on the locomotion, feeding behavior, special senses, and social behavior of primates, as well as these attributes of human behavior.
I. Locomotion
Cotton Top Tamarin Saguinus Oedipus

The Cotton Top Tamarin is a New World Monkey that lives in the tropical rainforests of Northern Columbia. It weighs less that 1 lb. This animal is arboreal and diurnal. The animals that I observed were two females in the gallery section of the Regenstein Small Mammal House. Following my observation of these two females, I learned that there were three additional cotton top tamarins in the “tropical” section of the house.

The individuals that I observed were two small females. Their backs were a reddish brown. Their tails we...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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