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Children play king of the mountain with the stronger players trying to
keep the weaker ones from taking possession of the top of the hill. One of
Golding's many themes expressed in Lord of the Flies is power. In
comparison to society, the island consists of democratic, authoritarian, and
spiritual power. Sitting in a throne may give a person power, but it does not
give them complete authority.
Democratic power is shown when choices and decisions are shared
among many. Ralph, originally from the Anglo-Saxon language, means
"counsel." Ralph is an embodiment of democracy, he is willing to be a leader
but knows that its important for each of the boys to be able to speak his mind.
When there is a decision to be made, he lets the boys vote on it. In are
present democratic government of the United States, the President has to go
through Congress to pass a bill. The President runs the operations but he
does not have complete power over the decisions. Like the Presiden...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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