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Plato- Justice


In Plato’s book, The Republic, the main focus revolves around the meaning of justice. In Book I, Thrasymachus and Socrates argue over their different conceptions of justice and injustice. Socrates makes some minor problematic assumptions in refuting Thrasymuchus’ conception of justice, but succeeds in refuting Thrasymachus’ conception.
Tharymachus presents his own idea of justice as nothing other than the advantage of the stronger. The ruler, the stronger party, has power to make laws in the city and therefore, will make laws in its own advantage and interest. Tharymachus gives his explanation by saying, “Democracy makes democratic laws, tyranny makes tyrannical laws, and so on with the others. And they declare what they have made – what is to their own advantage – to be just for their subjects, and they punish anyone who goes ag...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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