Back to category: Religion Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Pius XII and the Jews The Catholic Church has been a victim of false accusations and unjustified blame ever since its existence. When criticism of the Church's role during the Second World War first began, however, the heated debate over the supposed "complacency" of Pope Pius XII was not easily refutable. This debate, in fact, still exists today. The criticism first began in 1963when the controversial play The Deputy was written and produced by Rolf Hochhuth. The German playwright was born in 1931 and was thus too young to have experienced first-hand the horror-stricken world at the height of Hitler's power. Nevertheless, he wrote The Deputy as a fictional narrative and based the storyline on subjective suspicion and biased accusations instead of concrete historical evidence. The result of his lack of research was a play complete with serious errors and untruths of Pope Pius XII's lack of effort to help the persecuted Jews during the Nazi Regime. In reality, Jews and non-Jews alike praised the Pope greatly... Posted by: Janet Valerio Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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