Back to category: English Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Pieces of the Puzzle… Everyday we look around and we see that we exist in a constantly changing world. A world built upon Jell-O and just like Jell-O never quite stable but still has a form and structure. And although some perceptions find some solidification when left to sit a while, our own perceptions on a day to day basis are ever changing, always developing a different point of view and assumptions from life’s circumstances, continuously finding smaller and smaller pieces of a growing puzzle called life. Within personal perceptions there are a few that stand out in the open in this ratification cycle: My Perceptions of My love, of my self-worth and of the value of life outside of myself. First on the list is My Love. What is love? Define love. Webster defines love as attraction based on sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers, affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. Within the last year love has taken on a new office for me; what was once believed as... Posted by: Jennifer Valles Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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