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“The child when it appears is a countless crowd, which life reduces soon enough to a single individual.”

The child is like a countless crowd because it doesn’t posses ideas, it doesn’t speak with intelligent reasoning, it doesn’t have its own set of morals. When a child comes into this “free-world” it is pure, it has no believes just instincts. It is born with its animal instincts on how to survive. It has no real identity. As a child his life is just beginning to form, he can become whoever he wants to. What he experiences and the responses to those experiences makes him who he is. His upbringing by his parents influence how he will be until he is able to think on his own. For instance if his mother says that Santa Claus exist he will believe her until he can fully think on his own. Once the child becomes old enough to obtain and recall knowledge he becomes more and more an individual over time. With the gradual obtaining of knowledge this differs him...

Posted by: Rheannon Androckitis

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