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1. Define in the best and clearest way you can exactly what the theory of ethical cultural relativism claims. Give an example or two of how a relativist would view moral differences between cultures.

There is no such thing as universal truth in ethics; there are only the various cultural codes, and nothing more. Also, our own ethical codes are no better then any other cultures. Our own ethical codes are just one among many other cultures around the world. We learn out moral beliefs from the society that we were raised in. Moral truth is relative to culture. The following are claims that the cultural relativists use:

a. Different societies have very different view and moral beliefs.
b. The moral beliefs of a certian society determines what is right or wrong within that society.
c. It is very rude and arrogant for us to jude the actions of other societies. We should have an attitude of tolerance toward them.

2. Present as clearly as you can the "argument fro...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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