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Personal Goals

Personal Goals to Achieve

Pen and paper is useful to note and clarify thoughts of what goals we would like to achieve. Making goals concrete and specific allows us to solidify the commitment and place ownership of them. Life long learning, being an effective team member and leader, and problem solving skills are personal goals that relate to my future and career objectives. These are short-term personal goals I plan to achieve. These skills in turn offer the ability and knowledge that are necessary to function as an educated individual, a life long learner, and a responsible citizen.
Life long learning is an aspect that is accessible in all areas of life, such as work, personal, family and school. It includes a sense of curiosity and an appreciation for and the ability to adapt to different learning styles. A personal factor that has influenced this goal is my desire to practice law. As the ...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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Thanks for you messagge wil bla bla bla!