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Personal goals

Personal Goals

Plan to live your life your way. Everyone has goals in mind, whether they are personal or business. When I began to actually start writing the goals, I quickly learned maybe I did not clearly understand what I intended to accomplish. My thoughts were a collage of short-term thoughts without any cohesive consideration to a lifetime goal. The challenge was not just stating my goals, but rather reflecting on the important aspects of my life, then setting those goals in some or all areas. To insure I have considered the important aspects of my life I used the categories discovered in research (“Planning to Live”). After identifying the categories, I then chose to prioritize them. Hopefully this paper will enlighten the reader on not only the important aspects in my life but also the categories an individual may use in determining the personal goals important in providing a broad, balanced consideration in their life.
Family is the most important aspect in my li...

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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