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In this chapter it described what happened after the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ended. It told what happened to all the gold Tom and Huck found and how they each got 6,000 dollars a piece. It also talked about Huck living with Miss Watson and how she tried to civilize him. Huck unwillingly decided to stay under the touchier of being civilized and getting an education because Tom Sawyer said if he didn’t he wasn’t going to be able to be in a band of robbers he was going to start. So Huck stayed until one night when he heard a meow and was off with Tom.

Chapter 2.
In this chapter it described how the boys escaped Miss Watson’s servant named Jim. When Tom and Huck were escaping from Miss Watson’s yard Huck fell over a root and Jim heard. So Jim decided to sit and wait by a tree to see where the noise came from. The boys quietly waited and waited until they heard Jim snoring sound asleep. So they went back in the house to get more candlesticks and before Tom left he too...

Posted by: John Mayes

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