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Overcoming my disorder

Looking in the mirror I now see how warped my views of my own body’s appearance must have been. My body now looks healthier and I do not look so weak that I could fall apart if someone were to gently touch me. I have more color in my face and my eyes look brighter. I feel better about the decisions I am now making for my life. As I stand here I also remember the times where it was more difficult for me to feel as positive about myself.
“Why do your knees look like doorknobs?” someone in my seventh grade gym class asks sarcastically. Jogging around the gymnasium, I begin to slow down. “I saw you throw you lunch away again,” my friend whispers looking at me with disappointment. I do not know how to respond. Thinking about how I look, I picture this distorted image of extra pounds that look like cottage cheese covering me. My fri...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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