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On Top Of The World

On Top Of The World
Before that night, I never thought that a beautiful sight could actually take my breath away and make it impossible to speak. I had always thought it was a saying people used to make their meaningless life have a little more significance, a way to charm up the dullness their exposed to on a daily basis. I never thought that a simple view could draw tears from my eyes and cause my heartbeat to quicken. I suppose my lack of confidence in the statement was due to my complete avoidance of anything remotely ardent. I considered myself to be the least hopeless romantic alive and would do anything to avoid cheesy lines and absurd insincerity.
However, as the waiter escorted my boyfriend and I to our table; my eyes wouldn’t leave the flickering lights that gave life to the scenery below. I sat down, still complet...

Posted by: Carmen hershman

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