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Throughout human history the roles of women and men have been defined in part by physiology and in part
by the attitudes conveyed by those who hold power and influence. In ancient history, societies were
centered around women and the worshipping of goddesses. These roles changed quickly as hunting and
warfare became increasingly more important and women's less powerful physique placed them in a weaker
position. Just prior to the Hellenistic Age, three men wrote of their times, and of their perceptions,
attitudes and ideas regarding men, women, and civilization. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles we get a
glimpse inside the life and tragic misfortunes of a royal family. Thucydides wrote a history of the
Peloponnesian war, and in his recounting of Pericles' Funeral Oration the duties and benefits of Athenians
were revealed. Plato's The Republic, was a philosophical dialogue covering the times as they were and
how he felt they possibly could be better. In each of thes...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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