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nude bodies

Bodies are represented in various manners in film. The way a body is used can represent, sexuality, power, beauty and wealth to name but a few. Women and men’s bodies can represent different things in different ways. Sexuality can be represented by the stereotypical beautiful woman or by the pin up male.
Body language can tell us an awful lot about ones feelings and behaviour. Things can be determined in not what people say but the way they see it and how they use their body in the process. Body language and gestures can show us just as much as words tell us. In films it is what we visually see that makes an impact more so than the words you hear.
The film I have chosen is the early 1990’s film basic instinct starring Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas. The film follows the stone as a femme fatale who uses her sexuality and body to seduce and captivate all those around her. She uses this power to her advantage eventually getting away with murder. The film at the time s...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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