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Well, G
how do you do, old C
Mog gy the Am
Cat ?
I just D
no ticed you landed where G
I almost D
sat .
Do you G
mind if I push you a C
bit to the Am
side ?
I’ve been D
dri ving all day on the C
road where you G
died .

You’ve been squashed like some butterfly Am
pressed between glass.
Were you D7
hit by a truck that was G
mov ing too D
fast ?
Did he G
slam on the brake as he Am
saw you go past?
Or, D
Mog gy the Cat, did he C
step on the G
gas ?

Chorus: Did he D
honk the horn loudly?
Did you C
stand your ground G
proud ly?
Did a D
shad ow fall o’er ya as the truck C
mow ed you G
down ?
Did your C
eyes glow in that fleeting D
dark ness?
Did the G
birds come and C
pick at your carcass?

The G
ground squirrels and mice all seem C
hap py to Am
day .
The D
but terflies frolic; the G
hum mingbirds D
play .
mock ingbird sits there com C
pos ing a ...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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