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In the novel Night, the author Elie Wiesel chose not to title the chapters in the book. There are many reasons he many reasons he may have done this. Perhaps he just couldn’t think of any creative titles when writing the book, but I think he purposely did not title the chapters. One of the reasons he may have done this is because of the many cruel and unusual things that happened to him and the Jews in the Holocaust, he could not pick only one event to represent the whole chapter. Since the book we read is a condensed version of the original novel Night, everything that the author put into the book was very important and he couldn’t choose only one event or thing and name the chapter after it. Also, after being imprisoned for so long, often one cannot differentiate between time periods; they may think one month has already been three. Therefore he probably couldn’t remember exactly when everything happened, so he couldn’t just group the chapters into t...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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