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negative transfer

transcendence 101
What can you learn from a chessboard? Is a chessboard better than suicide?
One day every year, I stand on this dark green cliffside and look down into the mouth of the jungle. I drink a bottle of red wine and say the Lord's Prayer. My thoughts wander back to Professor Mueller with his big jutting jaw, handsome and intelligent blue eyes. He always dressed the impeccable gentleman and carried a dog whip. But more than the man, I contemplate the ideas that were Transcendence 101.
Most classes I've taken taught me how to conform, systematize my thoughts, doubt and, above all, survive.
Transcendence 101 taught me how to rebel, free my thoughts and transcend.
Two ideas composed the central curriculum of transcendence 101. The first was that organization is untenable. Control is impossible. For instance, man should not try to control nature but rather should let nature control him. Nature is the stronger party in the relationship between man and nature. Imagine our l...

Posted by: John Mayes

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