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Nazi Concentration Camps

On January 30, 1933 the Nazis assumed they had full power of Germany. Immediately after this, they decided to start concentration camps to rid the German society of “inferiors.” This included: communists, socialists, religious rebels, Jehovah’s Witnesses and most of all, Jews.

During the 1930’s there were six main camps established. These were: -
~Mauthausen and,
~Ravensbruck (a concentration cap especially for women.)

During the 2nd World War Nazi concentration camp numbers increased dramatically. New camps that were opened included: Auschiwitz-Birkenau, Neuengamme, Gross-Rosen, Struthof, Lublin-Majdanek, Hinzert, Vught, Dora, Bergan-Belson and Natzweiler.

Natzweiler concentration camp was the only camp in French territory during the whole of WWII, (it housed people only of German origin even though it was located in France.).

It was in May 1941 that 300 German prisoners were put in to the Natzweiler concentrati...

Posted by: Shelia Olander

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