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Mythology Paper that Compares Heros with Comic book Heros

Many hundreds of years from now our great comic hero’s stories will be told to a new generation of humans, it will then be called a myth. That is exactly what our modern day myths, they are comics. When you look at our modern day comic book hero’s you don’t view them as a myth. “Myth as viewed by many modern intellect is primitive; trying to explain world of nature, production of poetical fancy…mythology is all these” (Campbell 382). As Superman is to our generation of mythology as is Herakles to the ancient Greeks of mythology. Both share very similar traits and qualities that a typical hero myth. As do most of the hero’s in our myths, and not just noticed in our Greek hero myth’s but also in Norwegian, Romanian, and Native American mythology. Most hero myth’s share the same common motifs. However in this paper I am only going to concentrate on two of the most popular hero’s. One being the incredible Herakles ...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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