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My Story

At the tender age of 13, I dropped out of school. All it took was a few good lies and half-truths to my gullible mother, and I had it made. As long as I kept her house clean, took care of my sister and her, she didn’t mind what I did. Being out of school was only temporary (or so I told everyone); eventually I would go back and finish my education. Anyway, I had already missed too many days looking after my handicapped mother.
I knew it all, as any teenager with raging hormones can tell you. Kids, my own age, held no interest for me, they didn’t know as much as I knew; they hadn’t been through as much as I had been through. I was on a train destined for great things, or so I thought.
By the time I turned 14 I decided I was ready to get married. My older boyfriend and I had already done everything married people do, so what was the big deal? No one else loved me the way he loved me; he lavished me with affection and told me he loved me every day. I felt wanted an...

Posted by: Alexander Bartfield

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