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My Devotion to Architecture Study

"Architecture is fun!" says Ted Palmer--an Architecture professor at Golden West College. He uses this short expression to guide his student's interests. I have heard this expression a year ago when I first attend Architecture 100 class. At first I do not appreciate the expression and make fun of it. After attending three semesters at Golden West College working on my first Architecture certificate, I find a new devotion and commitment to Architecture study and make it my main interest and long term career.
Unlike other career choices--in medical study--I had three years ago, working in Architecture design allows me to use my artistic talents and pursue my own happiness. Throughout my high school years, I spent three years in the Health Academy, went on field trips, passed the first aide (CPR) test, volunteered to work at the Huntington Beach Hospital, and received so many awards in the field; unfortunately, I was not happy because I never got to use my talents. All of my ...

Posted by: William Katz

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