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Memories of a !Kung Girlhood

Marjorie Shostak who was the author of the story has initially spent two years in the Southwestern Africa in isolated areas of Botswana to do some anthropological research about a woman named, Nisa. Nisa was one of many other !Kung women who only lived by hunting and gathering with her family rather than by some form of an agriculture. In this story, Nisa talked about her sadness and happiness of her girlhood memories before she grown.
Marjorie claimed that even though Nisa’s memories were probably the typical life of a !Kung’s woman’s life, it was more to a assortment of fact and fantasy. Nisa then started to talk firstly about her baby brother, Kumsa and about her family. When her mother gave birth to her baby brother, Kumsa, the innocent Nisa was still small girl who underst...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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