Back to category: Miscellaneous Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Media and Speed ‘Mislead and misinformed’ is the public of today. Mass media affects public opinion drastically; they take issues and twist them to become something more tragic then they really are. Street racing is about as old as the car, yet it’s also poorly understood by the general public, the media and even by some criminologists. The media, even though they have a lack of some understanding, seems to know everything, and all that they know seems to be true. Taking simple incidents, and warping it to be more suitable to entertain the public, even though it can give information that is not true, is how the media broadcasts their news. Public relation wizards concoct and spin the news, which control our political debates and public opinion, twisting reality. The media often creates unreal fears in criminals, foreign peoples and countries, and illegal street racing. They focus their news on crimes, deaths, and disasters instead of the positive aspects. Street racing has been in... Posted by: Jack Drewes Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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