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Meantime by Mike Leigh


The plot this movie, just like the sound quality, is poor. This film is the one of the only movies that I have seen that all of the characters are static throughout the entire ordeal. Mike Leigh has so much potential in the actors, and somehow he loses sight of what holds a movie together.
The movie kept my attention, mostly because I was straining to hear what the British characters had to say. The background noise and out of tune piano may have been a decision to add to the movie’s meaning, but it definitely took away from actually understanding of what the characters said. Where were the subtitles? The dialogue spoken felt like drunken jargon on a BBC infomercial. I would highly recommend the viewer to rent a British translator to hold your hand during the movie.
I do not think there is any way that one can be happy and jovial in this setting. The streets are littered with trash on what seems like a cloudy day everyday. I give credit to the ward...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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