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Coffee beverages are becoming a very familiar sight within the bay area and have been for some time now. It can be drank during all times of the day and currently is being drank by fifty-two percent of the United States, over the age of eighteen(Coffee Facts and Figures). Coffee companies are sprinting through newer markets trying to get a piece of the action. Certain demographic locations will be sought out first. These will be the places that marketers feel will have the most significant effect on coffee sales in the shortest amount of time. By looking at Santa Clara and Alameda counties, we will be able to compare demographic variables to determine which county will be most marketable for coffee.
By choosing two PMSA’s, which are primary metropolitan statistical areas, we are able to study two metropolitan areas of over one million people to determine which county is better suited for marketing coffee. Both PMSA’s are of similar size, Santa Cla...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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