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The progression of Characters (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) And their flaws. "This dead butcher and his fiend like queen", is the way in which Malcolm describes MacBeth and Lady MacBeth. I intend to describe the way in which these two characters changed during the course of the play. At the begin
Macbeth as a Tragic Hero must have some potential nobility, some good qualities that make his downfall terrifying. He must be examined as a human being with human weaknesses. Is he one who, as Lady Macbeth says, Act I, Sc. v, "is too full of the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way" or is he the "butcher" that Malcolm considers him to be in the final scene of the play? Or is he a victim of his ambition or of moral weaknesses or of his limited concept of manliness, or even of a combination of circumstances that cause him to fall? From the opening scene Macbethh is chosen as a target for temptation; the witches, as agents of evil plan their trap; so the stage is set for his downfall.

Posted by: John Mayes

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