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lower the drinking age


The legal drinking age in the United States is currently twenty-one, since 1984 when congress passed the national minimum purchase age act. That law was passed to encourage each state to change their legal drinking age to twenty-one years of age. This was caused by the national mood toward drunk driving and the high number of deaths in drunken accidents. The government threatened each state to cut off highway grants and funds if they did not comply with the act. Congress thought that a twenty-one year old was more mature than the average eighteen year old. If the twenty-one year old is more mature to be faced with big responsibilities than an eighteen year old then why is eighteen considered an adult?

The legal drinking age of twenty-one saves more lives because of fewer drunk driving accidents than if it were eighteen is the major argument to this point but there are other factors that have a part in lower fa...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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