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Losing Weight

Lindsey St. Jean
Persuasive Essay
Losing weight, eating healthy, and fiber are three important facts in one’s life. These three subjects can be discussed as one; since each works with the other and they, all have a common goal. Losing Weight and Healthy Eating will make you look better on the outside, feel better on the inside, and, give you a major edge in avoiding cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure and stroke. These are the major killers in our society. The science behind Losing Weight and Healthy Eating is overwhelming. Of all the things you personally do, nothing comes close to their health benefit. Vitamins, minerals, herbs or any other supplement cannot reduce the risk of these illnesses like Losing Weight and Healthy Eating can. What is Healthy Eating? It is simply eating those foods known to promote good health in the amounts to achieve a good weight. Females who are overweight seem to have the most problems losing ...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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